Friday, December 7, 2012

Potensi dan Realita Ancaman Open Sky 2015

Saat ini salah satu sektor yang tengah berkembang pesat di Indonesia adalah sektor perhubungan udara. Industri angkutan udara di Indonesia sebagai sebagai sebuah negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia, memang masih harus menunggu waktu untuk mengalami perkembangan besar-besaran. Terlebih lagi secara geografis letak Indonesia yang berada di sepanjang garis khatulistiwa dan tepat menghubungkan dua benua dan dua samudera sekaligus sangat menguntungkan. Keberadaan indonesia menjadi sangat strategis dalam berbagai aspek hubungan antar negara di dunia, terutama di wilayah pasifik. Lebih dari itu, pertumbuhan penumpang dan barang di sektor perhubungan udara tengah meningkat signifikan dalam 5 sampai 10 tahun terakhir. Mengacu kepada data yang ada di INACA (Indonesia National Air Carriers Association), pertumbuhan penumpang di Indonesia telah bergerak 12 hingga 15% per tahunnya. Sementara itu, khusus untuk International Airport Soekarno-Hatta yang dapat menampung 23 juta penumpang per tahun, ternyata di tahun 2011 terpaksa memfasilitasi 51,5 juta penumpang.

Sejak 10 tahun yang lalu telah direncanakan dan akan diberlakukan ASEAN Open Sky 2015. Belum banyak masyarakat yang tahu. Mungkin kita juga belum sadar dampak yang akan terjadi jika wilayah kedaulatan udara kita dibebaskan kepada negara lain untuk dikendalikan oleh mereka karena kita belum mampu mengatur keselamatan dunia penerbangan di atas wilayah teritorial NKRI.

Pertimbangan satu-satunya adanya ASEAN Open Sky 2015 adalah keuntungan yang akan didapat dari segi ekonomi. kebijakan Open Sky mampu menyumbang masukan PDB hingga 7 triliun Rupiah dan juga meningkatkan jumlah tenaga sebanyak 32.000 lapangan kerja baru untuk peningkatan perekonomian Indonesia pada tahun 2025. Kebijakan Open Sky yang diterapkan di Uni Eropa, Indonesia sebagai negara yang memiliki komitmen terhadap kebijakan WTO (World Trade Organisation) yang menganut open sky policy, kemudian ikut mengakui dan merelakan membuka semua sektor transportasi udara untuk kepentingan dunia.

Open Sky Policy (Kebijakan Ruang Udara Terbuka) melalui "Roadmap for Integration of ASEAN Competitive Air Service Policy" telah ditindaklanjuti oleh Indonesia melalui pengesahan Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 2009 pasal 90 tentang "penerbangan". Isinya, akan dibuka akses penerbangan bebas dari dan ke Indonesia yang dilakukan secara bertahap berdasarkan perjanjian bilateral maupun multilateral, dengan mempertimbangkan kepentingan nasional (national interest). Sementara itu kita tahu bahwa teknologi kedirgantaraan saat ini dikuasai oleh dunia barat terutama negara-negara Eropa. Dan saat ini negara tetangga terdekat kita yang mampu menguasai teknologi kedirgantaraan seperti Australia, Singapore, Thailand, dan Malaysia.

Negara-negara tetangga seperti Singapura dan Malaysia tidak memiliki bandara Internasional sebanyak di Indonesia. Namun perusahaan penerbangan mereka jauh lebih kuat dan lebih profesional dari Indonesia yang sudah memilik 26 bandara Internasional. Ditambah lagi, wilayah udara Indonesia sangatlah luas, tidak seperti wilayah udara di Eropa sehingga diperkirakan Indonesia akan menghadapi resiko yang lebih tinggi menjelang ASEAN Open Sky 2015.

Namun sangat disayangkan karena pada tahun 2007 hingga saat ini NKRI berada dalam kelompok negara yang mendapat penilaian kategori 2 dari FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) yang mengacu kepada standar keamanan terbang Internasional seperti yang telah ditentukan dalam regulasi ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). Masuknya Indonesia dalam kategori 2 menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia belum mampu memenuhi persyaratan minimum keamanan terbang internasional. selain itu, sarana dan prasarana dalam dunia penerbangan masih kurang. Hukum udara dan ruang angkasa yang pasti di Indonesia belum lengkap serta kurang siapnya operator yang berkualifikasi dalam mendukung kegiatan penerbangan. ini semua jika diabaikan dapat berimplikasi pada masalah pertahanan dan keamanan yang cukup serius.

Dengan kondisi seperti itu, Indonesia malah harus berhadapan dengan Asean Single Aviation Market atau OPEN SKY 2015. Lalu bagaimana dan apa yang harus Indonesia lakukan agar tidak tertinggal dengan negara-negara tetangga yang akan segera mendapatkan keuntungan besar dari pertumbuhan pasar angkutan udara yang kini tengah berkembang pesat?

Pertama, Indonesia harus keluar terlebih dahulu dari posisi kategori 2 penilaian FAA. Agak memalukan mengetahui posisi Indonesia dalam hal industri penerbangan sejajar dengan negara-negara kecil seperti Guyana, Nauru, Serbia, Zimbabwe dan Congo.

Indonesia perlu memprioritaskan perubahan bentuk KNKT (Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi). KNKT yang berada di bawah Menteri Perhubungan harus segera dibentuk dalam format yang baru serta tidak lagi bertanggung jawab kepada Menhub, akan tetapi bertanggung jawab kepada Presiden RI. Selain itu, perlu juga dibentuk sebuah lembaga yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya yang berfungsi menjatuhkan hukuman atau penalti setelah memproses hasil pekerjaan KNKT yang menunjuk pihak yang seharusnya bertanggungjawab.

Pengaturan lalu lintas udara atau ATC (Air Traffic Control) juga perlu diperbaiki agar kinerjanya dapat memenuhi syarat minimum dari aspek keamanan terbang internasional. Hal ini bisa berdampak pada masalah yang lebih serius, yaitu kedaulatan NKRI di udara.

Pengaturan Air Traffic Flow Management System dapat mengusik kedaulatan dan kehormatan republik Indonesia sebagai bangsa. Masalahnya, bila Indonesia dianggap tidak memiliki kemampuan yang setara dengan persyaratan keamanan terbang internasional, seperti yang telah ditetapkan oleh ICAO, maka wewenang pengaturan lalu lintas udara di atas kawasan wilayah kedaulatan RI akan diserahkan kepada Negara lain yang sudah lebih siap. Dalam hal ini, ICAO telah menunjuk Thailand, Singapura dan Australia yang telah sejak lama mempersiapkan diri untuk dapat tampil sebagai pemegang peran sentral dalam pengaturan lalu lintas udara di kawasan regionalnya.

Bila kurang berhati-hati dalam menangani masalah tersebut, maka indonesia akan berhadpan pada situasi yang fatal dalam pengelolaan kawasan udara kedaulatannya. Meskipun dalam Konvensi Chicago 1944 dikatakan bahwa setiap negara berdaulat penuh di kawasan udaranya secara komplit dan eksklusif, tetap saja atas nama keamanan terbang, wewenang dalam mengatur lalu lintas udara dapat didelegasikan kepada negara yang memiliki kemampuan mengelola sesuai standar keamanan terbang internasional. Tidak hanya itu, dalam aspek pertahanan negara, pengelolaan sistem pertahanan udara nasional akan berhadapan dengan banyak kendala terutama dalam mengawasi daerah rawan perbatasan udara dengan banyak negara lain di teritori milik sendiri. Disinilah peran pemerintah RI sangat diperlukan dalam mengatasi kemungkinan buruk yang bisa terjadi ke depan. Tentu saja akan sangat tragis jika hal tersebut sampai terjadi.

Source: Seminar Kajian Intelijen Stratejik Universitas Indonesia

Monday, November 12, 2012

Kontroversi Soekarno sebagai Proklamator atau Pengkhianat

Jauh sebelum penganugerahan gelar Pahlawan Nasional, masalah Soekarno dan berbagai perannya dalam sejarah perjuangan Kemerdekaan RI dan pasca-kemerdekaan, telah melahirkan perdebatan dan kontroversi. Adanya perdebatan dan kontroversi itu ternyata ikut menyebabkan kebingungan di masyarakat Indonesia. Terutama generasi muda yang baru lahir setelah kematian Soekarno pada 1970. Bagaimana sesungguhnya Proklamator itu diposisikan? Apakah Soekarno sungguh seorang pahlawan atau pengkhianat?
Kebingungan generasi muda terjadi karena mereka hanya mengenal Soekarno dari sumber referensi buku sejarah. Tanpa menyadari sejarah Indonesia yang mereka pelajari khususnya bab yang berkisah sekitar peran Soekarno, banyak yang dibelokkan. Soekarno yang diakui bangsa-bangsa di Asia dan Afrika sebagai pemimpin besar, tapi dalam literatur karya sejarawan Indonesia, ia justru dikerdilkan. Rekayasa sejarah dan pengerdilan itu mengakibatkan munculnya fakta yang tidak sesuai dengan logika. Salah satu kontroversi misalnya terkait dengan Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (TAP MPR) No.33 tahun 1967.
Ketetapan itu menuding Presiden Sukarno mengeluarkan kebijakan yang menguntungkan G30S/ PKI dan melindungi tokoh-tokoh G30S/PKI. Dalam kata lain, Soekarno dicap berstatus pengkhianat dan dituduh ikut terlibat dalam G30 S/PKI. TAP MPR NOMOR 33 tahun 1967 dinilai kontroversial dan bertentangan dengan logika karena pada saat peristiwa pembantaian para jenderal TNI 30 September 1965 yang diduga dilakukan oleh PKI sebagai partai yang dituding ingin mengambil kekuasaan di Indonesia, pejabat yang berkuasa pada saat itu adalah Soekarno sendiri.
"Bahwa ada petunjuk-petunjuk, yang Presiden Sukarno telah melakukan kebijaksanaan yang secara tidak langsung menguntungkan G-30-S/PKI dan melindungi tokoh-tokoh G-30-S/PKI," demikian bunyi ketetapan yang dikeluarkan 12 Maret 1967. TAP XXXIII/MPRS/1967 juga turut menyeret-nyeret pendiri Partai Nasional Indonesia itu ke persoalan hukum. Dalam BAB II ketetapan tertulis, "Menetapkan penyelesaian persoalan hukum selanjutnya yang menyangkut Dr. Ir. Sukarno, dilakukan menurut ketentuan-ketentuan hukum dalam rangka menegakkan hukum dan keadilan, dan menyerahkan pelaksanaannya kepada Pejabat Presiden."
Pada saat itu, Soekarno tidak sekadar Presiden untuk satu periode, tetapi sudah ditetapkan oleh MPR (Gotong Royong) sebagai Presiden seumur hidup. Dia juga menjadi Panglima Tertinggi Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia yang membawahi semua kekuatan: Darat, Laut, Udara dan Polisi. Hal ini tentu tidak masuk akal jika Soekarno sebagai presiden yang sedang berkuasa pada masa itu melakukan pemberontakan/pengkhianatan, apalagi terlibat dalam penggulingan kekuasaan atas dirinya sendiri. Bahkan pihak barat sebagai poros politik dunia yang nota bene menjadi lawan Soekarno ikut menilai hal itu tidak logis.
TAP ini merupakan produk pemerintahan Orde Baru, rezim pimpinan Jenderal Soeharto. Jenderal inilah yang mengambil alih hak kepresidenan dari tangan Soekarno di awal 1966. Pengambil-alihan kekuasaan itu menjadi legitimate, karena Soeharto berpegang pada apa yang ia namakan Surat Perintah 11 Maret 1966 atau Supersemar. Dokumen Supersemar kemudian diklaim Soeharto sebagai penugasan Presiden Soekarno kepadanya untuk menjalankan tugas sehari-sehari kepresidenan. Sementara semangat TAP 1967 itu sendiri memposisikan Presiden Soekarno dalam radar tudingan. Soekarno dituduh sebagai salah seorang tokoh nasional yang berada di balik usaha penggulingan kekuasaan yang sah. Pihak yang berusaha menggulingkan kekuasaan adalah oleh Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI).
Brian May, seorang wartawan Amerika Serikat yang menganalisa ataupun membongkar tentang tuduhan keterlibatan Soekarno tersebut juga menilai tidak masuk akal. Brian yang pernah bertugas di Indonesia pada saat TAP itu dilahirkan, tidak sependapat dengan tudingan keterlibatan Soekarno. Ia menuliskan penilaiannya itu dalam bukunya berjudul "The Indonesian Tragedy". Buku itu kemudian dilarang masuk ke Indonesia selama pemerintahan Soeharto (1966-1998).
Kontroversi lain yang terkait dengan pencopotan kekuasaan Presiden Soekarno terletak pada Supersemar 1966. Dokumen yang selama 32 tahun menjadi bukti otentik adanya transfer kekuasaan secara damai dari Orde Lama (Soekarno) ke Orde Baru (Soeharto), hingga Soeharto meninggal, tidak pernah diperlihakan kepada publik. Arsip negara pun kabarnya tidak punya copy apalagi dokumen aslinya. Ada tiga nama yang disebut sebagai saksi dalam dokumen Supersemar tersebut, yakni Basuki Rachmat, Amirmachmud dan Andi M Jusuf. Ketiga jenderal Angkatan Darat di era Orde Baru itu menempati jabatan penting dan ketiganya telah berpulang, sebelum Soeharto meninggal.
Ketua Dewan Pendiri Yayasan Pendidikan Sukarno, Rachmawati Soekarnoputri, menganggap ada kepentingan pragmatis di balik pemberian gelar pahlawan nasional untuk Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta. Kepentingan itu terkait erat dengan masa jabatan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono yang akan berakhir pada 2014. Pemberian gelar pahlawan nasional untuk Bung Karno bukan hal yang luar biasa karena tidak diikuti dengan upaya merehabilitasi nama baik Bung Karno yang ditumbangkan dalam kudeta merangkak yang berawal dari peristiwa Oktober 1965 hingga puncaknya pada Sidang Istimewa MPRS 1967. Pemberian gelar pahlawan nasional itu tidak sempurna sebelum TAP MPRS XXXIII/MPRS/1967 tentang Pencabutan Kekuasaan Pemerintah Negara dari Presiden Sukarno dibatalkan.
Saat ini Tap MPR nomor 33/MPRS/1967 telah dinyatakan tidak berlaku, melalui Ketetapan MPR nomor 1/MPR/2003 tentang Peninjauan Status Hukum Tap MPRS dan Tap MPR sejak tahun 1960 sampai dengan tahun 2002, sehingga pemberian gelar pahlawan nasional untuk Bung Karno tidak menjadi masalah. Namun hal tersebut belum menghapus tuduhan terhadap Bung Karno yang dianggap telah melakukan pengkhianatan terhadap Negara, yang diperjuangkan sendiri kemerdekaannya. Soeharto memang tidak melakukan tindakan hukum terhadap Soekarno. TAP MPR RI Nomor I/MPR/2003, yang meninjau TAP MPR dari 1960 sampai 2002, juga sudah menyatakan TAP XXXIII/MPRS/1967 tidak memerlukan tindakan hukum apapun.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Proklamator RI Akhirnya Menjadi Pahlawan Nasional Juga

Ir. Soekarno dan Mohammad Hatta akhirnya mendapat gelar pahlawan nasional dari pemerintah. Penganugerahan gelar pahlawan nasional kepada dwi tunggal proklamator RI tersebut diberikan langsung oleh Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di Istana Negara, Rabu (7/11/2012) siang.  Guntur Soekarnoputra mewakili pihak keluarga Soekarno, sementara pihak keluarga Muhammad Hatta diwakili oleh Meutia Hatta pada saat menerima penghargaan gelar pahlawan ini. Penganugerahan ini merupakan rangkaian Hari Pahlawan yang diperingati setiap tanggal 10 November.
Gelar pahlawan bagi dwi tunggal proklamator RI tersebut dituangkan dalam Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 83/TK/TAHUN 2012 tanggal 7 November 2012 tentang penganugerahan Gelar Pahlawan Nasional kepada Presiden RI pertama almarhum Dr. (HC) Ir. Soekarno, dan Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 84/TK/TAHUM 2012 tanggal 7 November kepada Wakil Presiden RI pertama almarhum Dr. (HC) Drs. Mohammad Hatta.
Dalam pidatonya, Presiden SBY memaparkan alasan pemberian gelar pahlawan nasional kepada dua tokoh bangsa itu. Sosok Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta adalah lambang dan sumber inspirasi perjuangan seluruh bangsa Indonesia di seluruh pelosok negeri. Mereka juga merupakan tokoh yang membangkitkan dan menyatukan bangsa untuk merebut dan mempertahankan kemerdekaan dengan tetes darah, harta dan jiwa. Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta sangat berperan penting dalam menciptakan gagasan dan pemikiran bangsa yang akhirnya dijadikan menjadi landasan konsititusional Republik Indonesia yakni Undang-undang Dasar 1945. Perjuangan Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta telah mengantarkan bangsa ini untuk memiliki gagasan besar seperti ideologi Indonesia, sistem kerayatan, koperasi, dan lainnya. 
Banyak politisi menilai bahwa sosok Soekarno-Hatta lebih dari sekedar pahlawan nasional. Mereka adalah proklamator. Gelar pahlawan nasional ini masih akan diberikan kepada banyak orang yang pernah berjasa untuk kepentingan negara. Namun gelar proklamator hanya diberikan kepada Soekarno dan Mohammad Hatta. Seharusnya gelar pahlawan nasional ini sudah disematkan kepada keduanya oleh pemerintah sejak 67 tahun yang lalu. Bukan sesudah 67 tahun Indonesia merdeka yang jelas sudah sangat terlambat.
meskipun terlambat, namun penganugerahan gelar Pahlawan Nasional ini patut kita apresiasi. Keterlambatan penganugerahan gelar pahlawan ini bisa jadi akibat faktor politis yang terjadi pada pergantian rezim. Hal ini menunjukkan obyektivitas sejarah kadang dikalahkan oleh subyektivitas politik. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

SETIA: Roman Berlatar Sejarah

1965. Keadaan politik begitu memanas di Indonesia. Jakarta pun menjadi panggung utama politik perseteruan antara PKI dan lawan-lawannya. Perseteruan yang demikian terjadi ketika Indonesia pada masa itu sedang menghadapi inflasi serta konfrontasi dengan Malaysia. Siapa sangka di tengah-tengah perseteruan itu terbetik kisah cinta dua insan berbeda latar belakang. Hamid dan Rini. Percintaan keduanya pun mendapat banyak tantangan dari sekitar mereka. Terjadinya Peristiwa 1965 membuat keduanya pun terpisah, kemudian saling merindu dan berharap untuk bertemu lagi. Mampukah keduanya bertemu kembali sehingga cinta yang telah ada dalam diri mereka kembali bersemai? Atau malah sebaliknya?

Penulis: Satyakala
Penerbit: Halaman Moeka Publishing
Tebal buku: 215 hal
Ukuran: 14 x 21 cm
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Indonesia Terancam Tenggelam di Akhir Abad 21

Indonesia terancam tenggelam di akhir abad 21. Peristiwa tersebut bukan lagi sekedar isapan jempol. 

Itu dikatakan anggota Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI) Jatna Supriatna. Hal tersebut terjadi bila tidak ada upaya mitigasi yang serius terhadap dampak perubahan iklim yang saat ini tengah melanda seluruh dunia tidak terwujud. 

"Hal paling tidak menguntungkan untuk kita yakni Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan yang tidak menginduk pada suatu daratan besar. Jadi, tidak ada tempat untuk lari bila kenaikan muka laut ternyata melebihi seluruh daratan kepulauan yang ada," ujar Jatna di Jakarta, Senin (5/11). 

Perubahan iklim sebagai implikasi pemanasan global yang disebabkan kenaikan gas-gas rumah kaca terutama karbondioksida (CO2) dan metana (CH4). 

Kenaikan gas-gas rumah kaca itu mengakibatkan dua hal utama yang terjadi di lapisan atmosfer paling bawah, yakni fluktuasi curah hujan yang tinggi dan kenaikan muka laut. Sebagai negara kepulauan, Indonesia paling rentan terhadap efek kedua, yakni kenaikan muka laut. 

"Proyeksi kenaikan muka laut untuk wilayah Indonesia, hingga tahun 2100, diperkirakan hingga 1.1 meter. Sepertinya sedikit memang, tapi dampaknya tak main-main yang yakni hilangnya daerah pantai dan pulau-pulau kecil seluas 90.260 km2 atau setara dengan 2.000-an pulau di nusantara," jelas Jatna. 

Masalah itu, menurut Jatna, bahkan mendapat perhatian dunia yang amat serius dalam pertemuan dunia yang membahas Sea Level di San Diego September 2012 lalu. 

Tenggelamnya gugus kepulauan Nusantara tentu saja merupakan bencana yang tidak terelakkan bila Indonesia tidak turut berperan serta secara aktif dalam penurunan tiga derajat suhu di akhir dekade ini. 

Pengamatan temperatur global sejak abad 19, menurut Jatna, menunjukkan adanya perubahan rata-rata temperatur yang menjadi indikator adanya perubahan iklim. 

Perubahan temperatur global ditunjukkan dengan naiknya rata-rata temperatur hingga 0,74 derajat Celcius antara tahun 1906 hingga tahun 2005.

source: Media Indonesia OnLine

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Smile is easy as you wink ;)

When was the last time you smile? I mean literary smile (stretching your lips as wide as you can).
On Sunday evening i have just realized that i was smiling. It's generous though. But it means something if you smile with no reason. I'm not crazy but yes my soul is blessed.

Smile is the simplest way to feel happy. It's such the simplest action i could express in any depress. By sharing one smile, i feel happy, make other people happy, and everybody looks happy. There was a research over the massive anti-aging formula to keep you stay young longer. The research shows people who smile at least ten times a day looks younger than people who doesn't smile at all, even their lifetime are equal. This is because when you do smile, your skin is being pulled to regenerate its freshness and can reduce wrinkles.

So... can you mention any other reason to not smile? Moreover, it can make your face looks prettier, isn't it?
start your day with one smile, when you woke up, seeing your Mom or Daddy or other relatives, at least... if you are in a deep sh*t trouble, smile to yourself when you reflect.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Where does Hippolita come from

A friend of mine asked me while he visited my blog, "what does hipolitha mean? Is it kinda abbreviation of your name?"

It sounds like shortening my name, but it is not. I have my own reason why I'm using that name. It's just because I like the name. A friend of mine in my faculty, the one I admire because he's really great at literature, called me Hipolita. Well.. at first it sounded weird for me. But then I find out who's that girl and why did he admire her?

So I asked Mr. Google and found out. There are some versions about the story but I like this version.

Hippolyta is queen of Amazon in Greek mythology. The Amazons were a warrior race of women who were descended of Ares, the god of war. She's a superior archer in Amazon and no other knights can conquer her. She's so undefeated in the battlefield with her Amazons army. She possess a magical girdle she was given by her father. The girdle was a waist belt that signified her authority as queen of the Amazons.
Being of the Amazon tribe, a nation of women warriors whom in Greek mythology burned off their right breasts in order to use a bow and arrow more successfully, and as a rule, abhorred male supremacy; Hippolyta’s surrender to Theseus in battle and married him. Hippolyta’s struggle with her beliefs and her love may be the reason she seemed to have had cold feet in the beginning. She was not excited about her wedding, although they stay true to each other and get married in the end. 
Although, the relationship between Theseus and Hippolyta represents ideal, mature love, and contrasts with the other lovers relationships. Occasionally, they disagree about certain issues, but due to their mature personalities, they are able to confront their problems, resolve them, and let them go.

As Louis Montrose notes in Midsummer of Night's Dream of William Shakespeare where we can see the story of Theseus and Hippolyta: "Amazonian mythology seems symbolically to embody and to control a collective anxiety about the power of a female not only to dominate or reject the male but to create and destroy him." However, Hippolyta attracts Theseus with her feminine allure and charm, to such a degree that Theseus is completely smitten with her. Despite her forceful nature, she becomes the object of Theseus' passion.  By marrying Hippolyta, Theseus is laying down his sword, "the weapon which gave him power and authority over her," and essentially surrendering to her. By the end of the play, Hippolyta has actually added to her power, becoming the queen of a new realm, Athens.

In spite of her surrender to the male supremacy at the end, I still adore Hippolyta. Not only as a superior warrior women, but also to her mature character. Isn't it logic when we're so powerful and suddenly found someone who can smitten us and then we readily let go all we've had?
Whatever it is, I believe Hippolyta has her own reason why she surrender herself to Theseus  whereas she's so powerful. The other reason is just because I like her name. It sounds a bit like my name.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Trip to Pangandaran (part 2): Scarce Friends Quality Time

Tukik conservation and adrenaline adventure

Tukik at the Conservation Center, Batu Hiu, West Java
            Batu Hiu touched down! We visited turtle conservation and breeding center. We could see a few turtles from different species. Do you know how many sea turtles left in this world? Not many.  Do you know where the most turtle could be found in breeding season? Most buried their eggs in Indonesian coasts. Ironic, nowadays Indonesian people and fishers catch sea turtles for commercialism without knowing the threat of its existence. The meats, shields and eggs are traded. A man who runs that conservation center explained no fundraising from government to save Tukik (baby turtle). They get donation majorly from visitors and donators.

Penyu Sisik, termasuk  salah satu penyu langka yang populasinya terancam
            Moment of releasing Tukik back to the sea will be held in possible opportunity. Only Tukik aged 2 month allowed to be released in assumption they are strong enough for the wild world. Some of them made it, some are just get back or trapped in fishermen’s fishnet. Unfortunately, we arrived there in the middle of the day and releasing Tukik is only held in the evening or night because of the stream and waves.
            There’s no charge visiting this sober place. By the entrance they provide guest book that we have to write in and a little box for donation you would like to give. If you won’t give any, that’s okay too. But just think about it, don’t you have a heart? We could take pictures with all Turtles there. We might to touch them. After that you’ll have smelly tank hands. Don’t worry, the smell will disappear after four times washing.
            So we continued our trip to Citumang. It was 02.30 pm and we didn’t buy any lunch yet. We decided to take a rest for a while and lunch at local villager’s Warung near Citumang site. After lunch we walked along the path to the entrance. We cashed 5.000 IDR for each person for entrance and 15.000 IDR for renting life vest and other safety equipment if you wanna do body rafting. The funny thing is the price for domestic tourists is far lower than foreign tourists. However, Indonesian biggest income came from foreign tourists.
            The rest of our day, in the afternoon and the sun was friendlier than before, we walked on winding path to be at the starting point. Citumang is water springs that flows through the cave and river. Green planktons make the river’s color green. Near the cave, the water turns into grey. It surrounded by high cliffs. The sun couldn’t warm the water which is so freaking cold. There are some facilities such as mosque (mushola), gazebo, toilet, dressing chambers and showers.
            After wearing the safety vest, knees and elbows protector, my friends were challenged to jump out from the top of the cave. That was insane but must try! I guessed it is over than 9 meters high. I didn’t dare to do that, too dangerous and risk. I saw Ay and Tika jump from the cave top into the river, splashed! But I can see them came up to the surface. They are okay but still I was afraid of.
            The water was cold, the stream was hard and the river wasn’t too deep. Rocks on the riverbed scratched foot. We floated flow in the stream. Sometimes our butts bumped rocks. Sometimes we just stand up and walk on the shallow river and then we went again in the flow. Our body has to be relaxed and just follow the flow. Otherwise we could have stiff.
            It was evening, almost 06.00 pm when we finished body rafting at Citumang. Our rented house is not far from Citumang. Kicked our butts to Angkot and 15 minutes later we arrived. We took a bath, clean up and ready to have dinner.
By the entrance of Citumang
Jumped 10 meter high, those guys are freaking crazy!
Body Rafting, almost done.

The Last Night
            At 07.00 pm we were leaving heading to Pangandaran. We decided to have dinner with our new friends we met at Citumang, Celine and Christopher from France. At pangandaran, there’s a fish market where we can choose fresh fishes and sea food by our self and then the chef cooked them as we wished. The price is a little bit more than buying fishes directly from fishers or traditional market in Jakarta. So we bought Bawals, shrimps, squid and sautĂ©ed spinach and we had full bellies afterwards.
            Pangandaran in the night is alive suburban. It’s crowded; tourists, traffic, merchants, souvenirs stalls, hotels, restaurants, entertainment of cafes and bars, local music concert. Souvenirs shops sale everything that sounds “beach”; shells, clothes, hats, art crafts, etc. And I don’t know why couldn’t stop and went in one of those shops.  
Dinner at Pangandaran: SEAFOOD!! =9
            Finishing the dinner and we went back to our cottage. Our new friends, who brought their new friends, Indians, asked us if we would like to join them spending the night in a local bar not far from their street. They were curious about Indonesian music and night life. But we were so tired because of the long day we had. So we refuse to join and kicked our asses back in Angkot. Then I imagined about that local bar; house remix Dangdut, red lamps, beer, smokes, marijuana, and maybe sluts? I have no idea. Never been there. Even if I would just to satisfy my inquiry, I guess I won’t be there more than 5 minutes.
            On the way back, I requested to find minimarket. I need to buy mosquito repellant because those bugs are really cruel as evil. So we drove through the road and found Alfamart somewhere. There is one Alfamart. Across the street, there is Indomaret. Next Indomaret, I saw one more alfamart. What the hell happened there? Those minimarkets took place side by side which made me thinking of obvious competency. Whatever I saw, my feet guide me to Alfamart. But just telling the truth… if you shop there, please check the price and the recite. I bought some snacks there. Let say the price on the label 4000 IDR. But when I saw at the recite, it printed 4500 IDR. It happened to all items I bought. I didn’t know what they were doing with that trick. So just make sure you see the price right while you shop there.
            Sunday came and rain was pouring the morning. We woke up at 05.00 am and planned to see sunrise at Batu Hiu Beach. After that, we’ll heading to Pangandaran for snorkeling. Even it was still raining, we kept optimist; the rain will stop and we will snorkeling today. So we didn’t take any bath, just make cups of hot tea, coffee and milk. Jajang’s mother has cooked breakfast for us, so nice. Then we packed and threw the bags in Angkot.
            What happened that day was unpredictable. We went out of plan. One of my friends couldn’t awake easily even if we wake her up. When we were ready to see sunrise, we should still wait her in the bathroom, changing clothes, put make up and packing. At the end, we missed the show and just changing plan.
Meanwhile, it was 07.15 am with lite raining. One friend said that’s impossible to enjoy beach with this weather. I kept optimist that rain soon will be over. But it seemed not at all. We had discussion then in Angkot. On Sunday, there are two buses departing back to Jakarta; at 08.00 am and 01.00 pm. At the first we decide to take the bus at 01.00 pm so we still have more time to go to pangandaran. But then we realize, yes we began lack of budget and tomorrow we’re going back at work. So, on the way to Pangandaran, we turned around and ask the driver to take us to the bus pool. Half of the way, I looked sad because I really want to see Batu Hiu Beach, the rain stopped already. So my friends ask the driver to turned back to Batu Hiu beach and we agreed just spend 5 minutes there for taking pictures. 
            We cashed 15000 IDR for car at the entrance and 3000 IDR per person. Batu Hiu beach is so quiet and peace. The sand is grey and wet of the rain. Near the beach there’s a big shark statue with its open mouth and sharp teeth. Our tour guide said that the view is prettier if see from up there (he pointed to a path which can bring us to up the cliff). Nope, we had no time. So we spend our 4 minutes left taking pictures and then go. Not satisfy enough, I know. I hope next time could go there once again. At 07.45 am we were at the bus pool and ready to go. So we said goodbye to Jajang and the driver for their kindness during our visiting there. We paid 500.000 IDR for Angkot renting. 
Morn at Batu Hiu, West Java. 
            It was a quick express day for us. We only were able to visit one place in very short time. No, we aren’t satisfied yet. So we think we will plan another trip, but that one should be a mature plan. The good point is we had our high quality time together, we get closer. We are becoming good friends and family. We are having our stories to share and live in our memories. And that’s how Sunday memory lane over. We arrived in Kampung Rambutan at 05.00 pm and went home.
Here we are, the complete team! s(^-^)v

Friday, March 2, 2012

Pray for Grant

"That's me in the corner,
That's me in the spotlight loosing my religion..."
Have you ever get angry, at least upset and then loosing your faith of the greatest power of the universe when a failure occurred?
You want something so bad, so you try so hard  for it. you work so hard for it. you go for it and you pray for it. Even you are devoted to your pray and wish it so bad nights and days. But nothing ever happened and you missed out. 
You get angry, you're upset. You assume God wont side with you. You felt to pieces.  You've lost all your zest to live. Well, if you have experienced kind that story, I'll tell you a story.

There was a maid. she left her job for one another job which is better and suitable to her passion. Then she found the new one that she ever wanted but not get it yet. she went to that company and succeed up to the last stage. She waited for notification but nothing ever come. So she prayed to God for granting her wish all days and nights. she wished and insisted for kindness. But still... nothing came along in one week. She found out and so disappointed. She felt has done the best performance. She considered it's so unfair. Then she got angry.

A few week later she's already forget about it. so she decided to move on and go to every places presented any opportunities. At one big and famous company, she tried her lucky there. she didn't expect too much. You can already guessing what happened next. Yes! She passed all the process and got an offering job there. She's happy for it. But... She also feels extremely embarrassed. She realizes what God plans for her: something better than what she wanted the most. She feels terrible and sorry.

Have you ever heard a quote says:
"When you wished something that you really ever wanted, the universe is working for it."
I believe that one. But I also believe if my wish never come up, the universe grant for the better one. Well, God always have plan for each of us. I think I know what I want and sometimes I pray hard for it. But the truth is am not. As I believe, God knows everything and when I cried because I couldn't get what i want, perhaps God is smiling to me and says, "You deserve better than you wanted now." So I change my pray without mention what I want. I'm just asking for the good things happen to me and Thank God, I always get the answers. 

So Happy :D 

Trip to Pangandaran (part 1): Running away from metropolis

            By the end of November 2011, my friends and I decided to run a trip. So we made a plan, a backpacker trip. We wanted to go to Pangandaran, the nearest place to run away from cities. We are college friends. We have been friends since 2006, first year of our study. At the beginning, I admit, we were not as close as we rarely meet like now. But I think that being separated, or let say we don’t meet everyday anymore, kinda make us closer like I miss everyone of them so bad.

            So… on Friday night, after work I was heading back to my house, grabbed my backpack and headed straight to Kampung Rambutan Terminal. My friends already there, waited in platform outer cities departure. We were seven from 18 people who has signed up. But number couldn’t discourage us. The show must go on!

In front of the entrance Cukang Taneuh (Green Canyon)

Green Canyon and Batu Karas

            At 09.00 pm we took a bus directing to Pangandaran. Just cashed 60.000 IDR and we could sit on the backseat area, nice Air-Con and seats cozy enough. It took around 9 hours to get there. So we just entertained ourselves; chattering, listening to music, laughing, making fun, snacking and a little bit sleeping. I slept awake in the bus. Until 05.30 am the bus speeding down on the winding road. Out the windows, I could see the contour of trees. The east sky began to blush in orange and edge of the horizon I could see vague sea. No longer anymore, promptly at 06.00 am we have arrived.

            My friend, Bule, knows a local there named Jajang. He was our travel guide during our stay. So… He has been waited us at the bus pool and pick us up with Angkot which we have been rented for our transportation there. Then we got our damn asses on and ride to our holiday bungalow: Jajang’s House. It is in Citumang village. It’s not a big house, two rooms, tiny living room, traditional kitchen with wood stove, no-door-bathroom. But for me, it is more than enough to stay one night there. We rented his house for 250.000 cash.

            At 07.00 am we went for breakfast at one of villager food stall. Eating there is pretty cheap. I only cashed 7.000 IDR for a plate of rice with Pepes Tahu, Scrambled Egg and a glass of warm sweet tea. So fine! After breakfast we went to the very first destination, Cukang Taneuh Green Canyon.

Tiket masuk Cukang Taneuh, termasuk perahu dan life vest.
            It took only 30 minutes to get there. Cukang Taneuh is a river along the canyon which on the sides plants are grown. The color of its water is also green. That’s why people known that place as Green Canyon. The entrance ticket is actually cheap, 12.500 IDR cashed. But of course we need renting a boat to take a tour along the river, from the boat dock to Green Canyon. The boat costs us 62.500 IDR include the guide. One boat can only carrying maximal 6 passengers. So we split up into two groups which each boat can carry 3 or 4 of us. Then we step in and ready for our adventure. As I said, all the way I enjoyed the green river, took as many photos as I could, in many poses. On the river side we could see green trees and plants. So refreshing my eyes! But this greenly couldn’t be enjoyed if the rain came last night because the river would turn into brown, mud water. So lucky us!

Among the canyons, Green Canyon

            The boats stopped while the river ends up. We were below, between the giant canyons and in their shadow. Sun shine couldn’t reach all surface below so there was a little bit cold even It was 09.00 am. Wearing a life vest is a must! The guards will not allow us to jump in the water without life vest on. The stream was very hard and float over the big rocks also the river is surely deep. We went as one team and how could they pick me as the team leader that obligate me to go first. But I thank you for that.

Taking picture before ride on a boat at the quay
            We had to struggle the stream to get to the upstream. Then we could do body rafting from there. Let our supple body floated with the flows. It was so damn cool and extraordinary! I would do that once again even my foot scratched by the sharp stones. But we ended up to the boats.

            Next destination is Batu Karas Beach. We took about 30 minutes to get there. At first, we expected there will be crowded because of weekend. But we were so lucky. The beach is not too crowded. There’s a lot of space but truly hot. The beach is very clean. No white sand like Ujung Genteng, but the view is pretty. Road and beach are separated by long fence. There are booths renting surf boards, banana boats, and other services. Behind the fence, across the road, there are bars, restaurants, cafĂ©’s, and stalls.

            Actually, behind Batu Karas beach there is Batu Nunggul beach where we can see a fascinating view of south sea and Hindia Ocean. That beach is better known as Hidden Paradise. People said it is a virgin beach, not many people have reached there. at the night we could see sea turtles coming from the sea to bury eggs. Our tour guide said it is adorable beach but we have no enough time to go there. The path is hard to track, through a jungle, and 2 hours walking for one way. Maybe next time we could go there.

View at Batu Karas, West Java
            The fine weather soon would be too hot, drowned my mood to get wet in salty water.  Moreover, the sand was getting hot, like burning my foot. So Tia, Ay and I went to the stall area.  This wet activity made me hungry. So we at Bakso and Noodles, wiped our thirst with Coconut water. So simply recharge me. My friends have done with their tanning, they clean up and we’re ready to go.

(Photos collected from Galih Arum Cempaka, Putri Ayu Ningtyas, Ria setiawati, Happy Indah Nurlita)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dance Your Life!

I read a book that I bought a long time ago, Notes from the Universe, Mike Dooley (2008).

There's one chapter said, “life is a dance.” well.. couldn't be more agreed.

If life is a dance then i guess we are dancer. we run our lives. we make our moves. step back step front, spinning around, hopping and bowing, all those moves we create is life we run. 

Sometimes in life, decadence, postponement or rotation are kinda tricks of universe to hold us on something better we deserve. So don't let it down, don't loose your faith, and whatever happen to you… just don't stop dancing. You are the best choreographer of your life :D

so Happy :D

#NeverGiveUp #TryHarder #LifeIsGood