Friday, March 2, 2012

Pray for Grant

"That's me in the corner,
That's me in the spotlight loosing my religion..."
Have you ever get angry, at least upset and then loosing your faith of the greatest power of the universe when a failure occurred?
You want something so bad, so you try so hard  for it. you work so hard for it. you go for it and you pray for it. Even you are devoted to your pray and wish it so bad nights and days. But nothing ever happened and you missed out. 
You get angry, you're upset. You assume God wont side with you. You felt to pieces.  You've lost all your zest to live. Well, if you have experienced kind that story, I'll tell you a story.

There was a maid. she left her job for one another job which is better and suitable to her passion. Then she found the new one that she ever wanted but not get it yet. she went to that company and succeed up to the last stage. She waited for notification but nothing ever come. So she prayed to God for granting her wish all days and nights. she wished and insisted for kindness. But still... nothing came along in one week. She found out and so disappointed. She felt has done the best performance. She considered it's so unfair. Then she got angry.

A few week later she's already forget about it. so she decided to move on and go to every places presented any opportunities. At one big and famous company, she tried her lucky there. she didn't expect too much. You can already guessing what happened next. Yes! She passed all the process and got an offering job there. She's happy for it. But... She also feels extremely embarrassed. She realizes what God plans for her: something better than what she wanted the most. She feels terrible and sorry.

Have you ever heard a quote says:
"When you wished something that you really ever wanted, the universe is working for it."
I believe that one. But I also believe if my wish never come up, the universe grant for the better one. Well, God always have plan for each of us. I think I know what I want and sometimes I pray hard for it. But the truth is am not. As I believe, God knows everything and when I cried because I couldn't get what i want, perhaps God is smiling to me and says, "You deserve better than you wanted now." So I change my pray without mention what I want. I'm just asking for the good things happen to me and Thank God, I always get the answers. 

So Happy :D 

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